The hawthorn, scientifically named Crataegus, is from the red rose. Iran is considered as one of the most important centers of diversity of hawthorn species.
These fruits have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. They contain nutrients such as anthocyanidin and proanthocyanidin. Hawthorn has an antioxidant that strengthens the walls of blood vessels and has many therapeutic effects. Leaves and blossoms contain compounds that fight cholesterol and reduce the symptoms of chest pain, making you less susceptible to heart attack and cardiovascular disease. Hawthorn is also great for patients who are stressed and anxious, it helps you sleep better and prevents kidney damage.
The main benefits of hawthorn are due to its constituents. It contains vitamins B and C. Other antioxidants such as anthocyanidins, flavonoids and pro-anthocyanidins can also be mentioned in hawthorn. These compounds protect the body from the harmful effects of chemicals, cigarette smoke and pollutants. The activity of these antioxidants reduces the blood clotting and sensitivity of the blood vessels, thereby keeping the heart healthy and reducing the risk of heart disease. The blood circulation is improved and the heart muscles are strengthened and angina is avoided.